The list contains listings by area code
with phone numbers and some URLs for providers.
Provided by New England Community Internet.
[Visited 23 January 2000. Modified 12 September 1999.]
Detailed contact, price, and service information for DSL Internet providers
as well as extensive information on DSL technology and implementation.
You can also search by zip code or provider name or
enter your address
and get a detailed list of the providers that serve your home.
[Visited 1 January 2002. No modification date noted.]
Detailed information on 1,741 providers in 56 countries.
Listings by area code and country,
with separate lists for providers that
serve all of the U.S. or Canada or provide service through 1-800
POCIA is maintained by
Celestin Electronic Publishing.
[Visited 1 January 2002. No modification date noted.]
Under any appropriate regional listings
(Cities, Regions,
Counties, or other similar groupings)
look for Internet Services or
Internet Access Provider categories.
Didn't find what you want?
Try my pointers to lists that cover area codes
and local
and national
providers for the United States.
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what else I should add to this site.
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or comments on how to improve this site to