B.J.'s Hotlists: Science

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Real-Time Science Data Access Page [Visited 7 January 2004.]
Open Directory: Science [Visited 7 January 2004.]


Association of Science Technology Centers
Find a Science Center [Visited 7 January 2004.]


CODATA Internationally Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants [Visited 7 January 2004.]
The laws list
Laws, rules, principles, effects, paradoxes, limits, constants, experiments, & thought-experiments in physics. [Visited 7 January 2004.]
The Particle Zoo
A short overview of particle families. [Visited 7 January 2004.]
Particle Data Group
Reference information for particle physics. [Visited 7 January 2004.]


Sheffield Chemdex [Visited 7 January 2004.]


WebElements [Visited 7 January 2004.]
Periodic Table of the Elements [Visited 7 January 2004.]
Pictorial Periodic Table [Visited 11 June 2006.]
Alternate styles for the Periodic Table [Visited 11 June 2006.]
The Wooden Periodic Table Table [Visited 11 June 2006.]
Lenntech Periodic Table
Information on the health and environmental effects of elements. [Visited 7 January 2004.]
The Chemical Elements
[Visited 7 January 2004.]
Chemdex: The Periodic Table [Visited 7 January 2004.]


The Tree of Life [Visited 7 January 2004.]
The NPAC Visible Human Viewer [Visited 7 January 2004.]
Classification of Living Reptiles
Classification of Reptiles covers extinct as well. [Visited 7 January 2004.]
A Gene Map of the Human Genome [Visited 7 January 2004.]
The Human Genome Project [Visited 7 January 2004.]
Snake Information


Geologic Time Scale [Visited 7 January 2004.]
Geologic Time Scale (University of Alaska Fairbanks) [Visited 7 January 2004.]
Geologic Web Time Machine [Visited 7 January 2004.]


spaceKids [Visited 7 January 2004.]
Astronomy Picture of the Day [Visited 7 January 2004.]
The Eight Planets: A Multimedia Tour of the Solar System (Another URL) [Visited 28 August 2006.]
Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS) [Visited 7 January 2004.]
Open Directory: Science: Astronomy [Visited 7 January 2004.]
Educational Guide to Space & Astronomy [Visited 7 January 2004.]
Solar System Simulator [Visited 7 January 2004.]
National Space Science Data Center
Planetary Sciences / Planetary Fact Sheets [Visited 7 January 2004.]
Royal Greenwich Observatory: Information Leaflets [Visited 7 January 2004.]
U.S. Naval Observatory Astronomy Data Online [Visited 7 January 2004.]
Find Rise and Set Times for the Sun and Moon [Visited 7 January 2004.]
Eclipse Home Page [Visited 7 January 2004.]
Virtual Reality Moon Phase Pictures [Visited 7 January 2004.]

Space News

Yahoo News: Space & Astronomy [Visited 12 March 2006.]
SpaceWeather.com [Visited 12 March 2006.]
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This page is maintained by B.J. Herbison.
See the Herbison Consulting index.
Copyright © 1996-2009 by B.J. Herbison.
Last modified 09:17 Saturday 28 March 2009.