B.J.'s Hotlists: HTML Tools
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- Matt's Script Archive
- Free Perl CGI scripts by Matt Wright.
[Visited 2 January 1998.]
- VWbot - Vancouver Webpages Robot
[Visited 2 January 1998.]
- Meta-HTML: A Dynamic Programming Language for WWW Applications
- Free source-code version available.
[Visited 2 January 1998.]
- Website META Language
[Visited 2 January 1998.]
HTML Editors
- Yahoo > HTML Editors
[Visited 21 August 2000.]
Censorware Tools
- The Netly News Censorware Search Engine
- Determine if your pages are blocked by a `safe surf' program.
[Visited 2 January 1998.]
Image Tools
- Favicon.com: custom icon design
[Visited 13 September 2002.]
- Gifsize
- Program to calculate the size of images.
[Visited 2 January 1998.]
- WWWis (WWW Image Size)
- perl script to automatically insert image sizes into .html pages.
[Visited 15 January 2001.]
- GIF Lube
- On-line analysis and manipulation (compression) of images.
[Visited 18 February 1998.]
- GIF Wizard
(US page)
- On-line analysis and manipulation (compression) of images.
[Visited 2 January 1998.]
See also Verification/Validation Information.
Tools on the Web
- W3C MarkUp Validation Service
- Bobby
- Checks for HTML for validity and accessibility for blind viewers.
From Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST).
[Visited 3 March 2002.]
- Web Design Group HTML Validator
[Visited 15 January 2001.]
- Doctor HTML
[Visited 12 January 1999.]
- Clean up your Web pages with HTML TIDY
[Visited 25 December 2002.]
- Dr. Watson
[Visited 17 March 2001.]
- NetMechanic
- Online & offline link testing and HTML validation.
[Visited 15 January 2001.]
- SiteMechanic
- Online & offline link testing and HTML validation.
[Visited 15 January 2001.]
- Web Page Backward Compatibility Viewer
[Visited 11 May 1999.]
- lynx-me
[Visited 12 January 1999.]
- Lynx Viewer (What does your HTML look like in Lynx?)
[Visited 12 January 1999.]
- Verify Hyper-Links (URLs) Within Document(s)
[Visited 2 June 2001.]
- The WebSter's Dictionary
[Visited 12 January 1999.]
- CSE HTML Validator Lite
[Visited 15 January 2001.]
- Xenu's Link Sleuth
[Visited 15 January 2001.]
- A Real Validator
[Visited 25 January 2001.]
Browser Resizers
Change the size of a browser window to test web pages against different window sizes.
- dougWorld.com IEResize
- Only works for Microsoft Internet Explorer.
A stand-alone program defines custom window sizes
which can be applied with a right-click from inside IE.
[Visited 25 January 2001.]
- Browser Sizer
[Visited 24 January 2001.]
- Browser Resizer
[Visited 25 January 2001.]